Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pause the Blue Screen of Death on Windows System

Sometime we see BOSD or a blue screen of death on our computer.This time the first step to troubleshoot the issue behind it is to write the error code that appears on the blue screen.This problem sometime make you worried.Now pause this blue screen of death on your windows system.
Now for pause this blue screen Follow the following command given below:...

The Blue screen is like this picture which is given below:.

*First of all go to "Control Panel" then go to "Performance and Maintenance"  
*Now click on "System" then You see "System properties".
*this time go at "Start up and Recovery" then click on "Settings"now click on "Automatically restart"
Now your blue will pause.
*For Windows 7 Go to "Advance System Settings".
*Now go to "System failure" and click on "automatically restart "
This way you can fix the blue screen.Now enjoy it.

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